Тема по английскому мое хобби. Различные виды увлечений и хобби (русско-англ.)

My hobby is reading. It has been a great pleasure for me since my childhood. The world of literature is fascinating and infinite. It certainly doesn’t mean that I love all the books. To tell the truth, finding a good book is not so easy. I prefer historical novels, classical and informative literature and some professional books concerning business and management as I am going to run a business of my own in future. I never choose a book only by its colourful cover. As a rule, I look through its pages, read about the writer and his awards. My favourite writers are Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas and Dan Brown.

It goes without saying that some of the books have become my favourites. When I open one of them I immerse in the world of my favourite heroes at once. A book is able to make me laugh or cry because I start feeling exactly what the characters feel. I experience somebody’s pain or joy and I understand that the art of the word in some books is extremely powerful. The book gives me a chance to look at our life through the author’s eyes, to analyze and agree or disagree with his point of view. Sometimes a book can completely change my way of thinking or help me to solve some serious personal or psychological problem.

Unfortunately today most of people and teenagers are not fond of reading. They would rather prefer going to night clubs or just watching TV. They find reading a bit boring or a waste of time. To my mind everything depends on the book. I am sure that without reading one cannot become an intelligent and educated person. People would consider him to be ignorant, illiterate or even ill-mannered, his vocabulary would be quite poor.

I should say that I enjoy reading not only books. I read magazines and I also surf the net and subscribe to interesting sites. These media can undoubtedly provide me with boundless and useful knowledge too. And by the way I often read e-books instead of the paper ones.

The book is my best and precious friend and it’s always with me. I devote most of my free time to reading. I read in transport or when I have to wait in a queue. I always take a good book with me when I travel or go on holidays. And I usually read before going to bed because it helps me to unwind at the end of a long and stressful day. I never feel lonely when I have a great book in my hands.

Мое хобби – чтение. Оно доставляет мне огромное удовольствие с детства. Мир литературы увлекателен и бесконечен. Разумеется, это не означает, что я люблю все книги. Честно говоря, найти хорошую книгу не так-то и легко. Я предпочитаю исторические романы, классическую и познавательную литературу и некоторые профессиональные книги, касающиеся бизнеса и менеджмента, так как я собираюсь руководить собственным делом в будущем. Я никогда не выбираю книгу только по красочной обложке. Как правило, я перелистываю страницы, читаю об авторе и его наградах. Мои любимые писатели – это Виктор Гюго, Александр Дюма и Дэн Браун.

Разумеется, некоторые книги стали мои фаворитами. Когда я открываю одну из них, я сразу же погружаюсь в мир моих любимых героев. Книга способна заставить меня смеяться или плакать, потому что я начинаю чувствовать именно то, что чувствуют герои. Я испытываю чью-то боль или радость, и я осознаю, что искусство слова в некоторых книгах обладает исключительной силой. Книга дает мне возможность взглянуть на нашу жизнь глазами автора, проанализировать и согласиться или нет с его точкой зрения. Иногда книга может полностью изменить мой образ мышления или помочь мне разрешить серьезную личную или психологическую проблему.

К сожалению, сегодня большинство людей и подростков не увлекаются чтением. Они предпочитают походы в ночные клубы или же просто просмотр телевизора. Они считают чтение скучным или пустой тратой времени. По-моему мнению, все зависит от книги. Уверен, что без чтения человек не может стать умным и образованным человеком. Люди будут считать его невежественным, безграмотным и даже невоспитанным, его словарный запас будет бедным.

Следует отметить, что я люблю читать не только книги. Я читаю журналы и также брожу по интернету и регистрируюсь на интересных сайтах. Эти средства информации также могут бесспорно обеспечивать меня безграничными и полезными знаниями. И, между прочим, я часто читаю электронные книги вместо бумажных.

Книга – мой лучший и бесценный друг, и она всегда со мной. Я посвящаю большую часть свободного времени чтению. Я читаю в транспорте или когда мне нужно ждать в очереди. Я всегда беру с собой хорошую книгу в путешествие или в отпуск (на каникулы). И я обычно читаю перед сном, так как это помогает мне отвлечься в конце длинного, стрессового дня. Мне никогда не бывает одиноко, когда в руках есть классная книга.

Шаблоны для построения фраз

  • I like drawing.
  • I love reading.
  • I like travelling.
  • I am interested in in music, art. (Я интересуюсь музыкой, искусством)
  • My interests include reading, cinema. (Мои интересы включают чтение, кино)
  • I am fond of horses. (Я люблю лошадей)
  • I enjoy gardening. (Мне доставляет удовольствие заниматься садоводством)
  • I am crazy about skateboarding. (Я помешана на скейтборде)
  • I prefer active rest: tennis, swimming. (Я предпочитаю активный отдых: теннис, плавание)
  • I adore visiting museums. (Я обожаю ходить в музеи)

Примеры построения фраз

  • I like sport: tennis, aerobic, swimming. I play the piano (guitar). I am interested in art.
  • I love music, dancing, movies (кино), pets (домашних животных). I like to read (читать), travelling (путешествия).
  • I like nature and animals (природу и животных). I like cooking very much (я очень люблю готовить).
  • My interests include (мои интересы включают) skiing (лыжи), walking (прогулки), reading, travel, computers, museums (музеи), art galleries (галереи искусств), music, culture (культура), history (история), art (искуство), gardening (садоводство), dogs (собаки).

Некоторые виды увлечений, интересов

  • Popular Music - популярная музыка
  • Classical music - классическая музыка
  • Movies - кино
  • Theater - театр
  • Dancing - танцы
  • Sports - спорт
  • Occult / UFO - оккультизм, НЛО
  • Animals - животные
  • Fine Art - искусство
  • Politics - политика
  • Business / Finance - бизнес и финансы
  • Science / Technology - наука и технологии
  • Health / Fitness - здоровый образ жизни, фитнес
  • Auto - автомобили
  • Fashion - мода
  • Gaming - игры, а также деловые игры
  • Cooking - кулинария
  • Basketball - баскетбол
  • Football - футбол
  • Tennis - теннис
  • Astrology - астрология
  • Playing cards - играть в карты
  • Playing an instrument - играть на музыкальных инструментах
  • Reading - чтение
  • Chess - шахматы
  • Shopping - люблю побродить по магазинам
  • TV - телевидение
  • Traveling - путешествовать
  • Словарь: описание увлечений, интересов, хобби, любимых или привычных занятий


I enjoy horror movies and books especially Stephen King. I love tenpin bowling, playing darts, watching ice hockey, swimming, and attempting to line dance! Ideally for home entertainment love to challenge on the playstaion, cards, over a few beers! Out and about dancing, being wined and dined socialising with friends, going to giggs(varied tastes).

Who am I? Well that"s simple I love the arts - music, theatre, museums and I also love to dance and keep myself fit so that I can do. I love to be at one with nature walking in the countryside where I do most of my thinking. To sum myself up - I love all beautiful things whatever that may mean.

I enjoy all sports associated with water - skiing, sailing, diving, snorkelling (in warm waters). I am extensively travelled but not too jet lagged to try far flung destinations with the right man. Classic cars are a bit of a passion (yes, I"m probably a bit of an anorak).
Snow skiing in the French Alps is a must annual holiday for me - I am prepared to teach a "first-timer". I love cooking and entertaining - especially on warm summer evenings having dinner outdoors or even in the garden is my ideal summer occupation. All aspects of art and music interest me from Proms in the Park to The Waterboys, 18th century prints are a favourite along with pen and ink drawings - all of which I scour antique shops looking for a bargain - hate to pay real price for anything. Going out to the theatre, ballet or opera is another of my interests and am as happy in a posh frock as in a scruffy t-shirt and jeans painting my garden railings....

I love socialising, going out for meals, drinking, travelling, or quiet nights in with a good film snuggled up on the couch - preferably not on my own.

My interest cultivation of flowers, design of wear, swimming.

My interests are very different. There are many things I would like to deal with. I like reading and watching good films, as well as opera and jazz. I am extremely fond of dancing, painting and art. I like acute senses and beauty of nature, communication and travelling.

I like cooking, reading and travelling very much. I have visited already some countries, but I hope to visit much more. I adore cars and driving, long walks with my friend and of course, music (guitar, piano, syntesateur etc)

I like nature, animals,especially dogs and horses. I like aguarium and aquarium fishes. I like sports. I go in for shaping. I like to go for a walk, to go fishing and travelling. Also I like to communicate with my friends and my children. I read books and sometimes I go to the theatre.

I like driving and dancing. I go to featness-club, study foreigns languages.

I am fond of reading books, sport, traveling. I speak English not very good but I try to go my best. I enjoy to spend my free time with my daughter, son we have a lot in common.

I love nature, pets, culture, movies, music, romantic walks with beloved man, evenings with candle light,beautiful sex with my beloved man.... During my free time I like go outdoors, reading, to listen to classic and modern music,to decorate my home and to dream, may be,about beautiful romance WITH YOU?!

In my free time I like to paint, to compose some music and of course to know more interesting things. Also I like to travel but not all my life and with the person who will be my second part. And I like to spend the time on nature, because most time I spend with computer (as a programmer)

I love go to the movies, theatres, concerts, art museums. I enjoy nature and going to the camping, hiking, travel, sport. I like moonlight walks, candle light dinners.

I like new meetings, wild nature walking, dancing. I love to travel very much, I love to feel the another"s countries and cities, I like a sea, wind and surf, stars, sky, yet all will not list. I have a good sense of humor. I like fashion, arts, design, movie, cooking, sports, learning something new. I enjoy Life.

I like LOTS of things - I like to socialize as it helps me to understand life and other people better, I like travelling as it broads my outlook, I like kind and sincere people, animals, different types of music, sinema , theatre, watching sporting events. I love spending time with small children and I"m interested in psychology.

My sphere of interests is rather wide, I like reading, watching good films, music, dancing, travelling and nature.I am fond of cooking and I am going for sport: aerobics, swimming and others.

I think that some featers are not so important, the most important is the person, individual with his nature & soul. We all have merits & demerits & haven`t the right to judge. I don`t like only lie & betrayal.

I like swimming in the sea, dansing. Fond of classic music, jass (live sax and piano), rock, ballet, arts, travelling. Have great interest to eastern phylosophy, so want to visit Tibetan monastery.

I go in for sports (jogging, mountain climbing, shooting...), learn languages, love to explore culture and history of other countries, good literature, movies, rock"n"roll, blues.I like all kinds of outdoors.

I am interesting in literature, music, sport, culture of another countries. I like the aeroplanes, sports cars. I am very in realationship. I have many friends. I like to ride very much.The horses are my real passion! I am swimming.I very like to travel.

I like to read, theatres, art. I like to sing and to paint. My favorite sports are ball-room dances, swimming, billiard. I like to travel.

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